Clinical Facilities

At MS College and School of Nursing, we make sure that the students are to different aspects in Nursing care in various leadeing multi specialty hospitals of Banglore. They get expandd training programmes to acquire knowledge and skills in today’s Comprehensive health care setup.As hospitals are the integral part of nursing education. Our students get efficient clinical experience from three leading multi – specialty hospital with well equipped critical care set up. Hospital provides library with chosen books on nursing to have clinical practice and to update the knowledge. They are exposed to expanded practices and new roles, to implement advanced Nursing skills and to be equipped with knowledge on practical aspect.


MS College and School of Nursing has separate laboratories for each department equipped with all latest equipments and articles:

  • Fundamentals of Nursing Laboratory with Medical Surgical Nursing (MSN).
  • Biochemistry & Physiology Lab
  • Anatomy Lab.
  • Community Health Nursing Lab
  • OBG Lab
  • Pediatric Nursing Lab
  • Psychology Lab
  • Nutrition Lab
  • Audio visual Lab
  • Computer Lab

Campus & Classrooms

Fully furnished college and hostel Qualified staff, according to INC norms. All the class rooms equipped with modern teaching aids spacious auditorium for curricular and co-curricular activities. Good clinical facility with parent general hospital. Well equipped computer laboratory.

Library And Reading Room

MS College and School of Nursing, has a spacious library with 3350 books . Every year we purchase 200 to 300 books. Students are encouraged to avail other facilities like e-mail, internet, CD-ROM browsing & photocopying. Separate reading space has been provided to both the students and faculty. Separate accession register is maintained for books, journals, thesis, and projects and for CD-ROM’s and offers access to online medical literature through the HELINET for International and Indian journals are subscribed along with RGUHS -Nursing and e-journals.

Sports and Games

The college has well-groomed teams of different games offered by the college. The college offers the facilities for games and sports activities for the students.

Cultural Events

College celebrates Annual day, Sports Day, Teachers day, Ayudha Pooja and all National Festivals Days, Health and Community awareness activities Program etc. Students are encouraged to take part in various activities inside and outside the college. Field visits are arranged as per the Syllabus to provide enriched learning experiences.


Placement of students after graduation in this rewarding career is another on-going exercise that the NSS Nursing undertakes through constant interaction with the employing agencies. International student's orientation and reception programmes.